Community Food Forest

What is a food forest?

A food forest is designed to mimic a forest ecosystem which is a closed loop where all the inputs needed are available, all waste is recycled and abundant food is provided. This food forest is based on seven layers.

  1. THE CANOPY - large fruit & nut trees

  2. LOW TREE LAYER - dwarf fruit trees

  3. SHRUB LAYER - berries, other edible shrubs

  4. HERBACIOUS LAYER - herbs and plants that attract pollinators

  5. RIZOSPHERE - root crops

  6. SOIL SURFACE - ground cover layer

  7. VERTIVAL LAYER - climbers

How to eat free from the community forest

We have planted out our street verge with edibles to create a 180m2 food forest to provide free food for local residents. Each plant has an identification tag and information about how to harvestbthe food when it’s ready, and how to cook and eat it. We operate on a fair share basis, so please take only what you need.

How to get involved

This food forest is managed by Pocket City Farms and volunteer Food Forest Carers. For more info on joining the group click here.